Thursday, June 12, 2008

People Look At Me Funny Because I Don't Really Like Rap

Just because I'm black and don't listen to rap ( Hah...that rhymes...aint that somethin lol) people look at me funny. Should I think that the people who think I'm a weirdo because I don't don't like rap music are just a bunch of stereotypical idiots who need to open their mind just a little wider. Yes at one point I did listen to rap. When I was 8 I was like obsessed with 50 Cent and!!! I can hear the gunshots in their songs ringing in my ears again. But yeah anyway, I used to absolutely dig that whole I'm so cool because i'm a gangsta and I run this and I run that....whatever dude. 50 Cent always seemed to be a cool guy, sort of like a role model, but now that I'm older and I start to think about it, he's a drug dealing ex-con who swears that he killed people....he even made a movie about it. Wow, he's a real character to look up to...huh? Then there was the time where I was obsessed with the rap group Mobb Deep (who later got signed to G-Unit). After I heard the song Got It was like the first time I had fell in love. I searched everywhere on the internet for their music because for some reason I just didn't realize that I could just go out and buy their CD. Then came the song Numb/Encore where Jay-Z and Linkin Park came together o make a beautiful work of art. After that I'll just tell you that nature took its course. I stopped listening to rap over time to the point where I pretty much cut it out of my music diet. But like the health people said, a little from each group is what builds a healthy body... I guess it's kinda weird that I'm comparing music to food....but whatever....anyhow, I like rock but not heavy rock like metal or anything, and I don't like any of the demonic bands that play soft rock. Punk seems to be working out well for me.

Dispute about my heritage

A couple people seem to always say that I'm not really Jamaican, but I really am. They honestly don't know what hey're talking about. So here's the rundown. My parents were born and raised in Jamaica. I myself was born in Philadelphia but later moved back to Jamaica a while later where I was raise till about age 6. We moved to the US because of a birth injury that I recieved here that needed to be treated so that my arm pretty much didn't go dead. I'm a citizen there and here. I've been back one time since and I'm going again next month. So some people who love to open their mouth a little too much always seem to dispute the fact that I acually am a Jamaican. I live in a hous where my mother constantly speaks like she still is in Jamaica, i hang around Jamaicans all the time, I go to parties filled with Jamaicans, I eat what would be considered Jamaican food, but still, some people still say that I'm not jamaican. I also pretty much know everything there is to know about Jamaica. So what do you think?

What do you think of George Bush?

What are your personal feelings about our "ever so great" leader? Would you say that everything is his fault? or would you agree with Hugo Chavez that he's the freakin devil ?


Hillary Clinton

I'm glad that barack Obama won the Democratic nomination....really I am. But am I the only one who seems to notice or care that during the entire nomination campaign Hillary Clinton did everything she could do to trash Obama and make herself look like she had nothing to do with it. Now that he won, she wants to to be his best friend....OH WOW! Can someone say two faced. Anyhow, I hope he's not stupid enough to let her be his Vice President. I mean seriously, does she really have what it takes to be the next President or Vice President of the United States of America. Her being a woman has nothing to do with my lack of confidence in her. Believe me, I'm Jamaican and the last Prime Minister before the current one was a woman named portia Simpson (Great Lady). So there are a lot of women out there who have what it takes to lead a country...just ot Clinton. Plus I think she's doing it to get back at her ex-husband. I guess if I were a woman married to the President and he got caught getting oral sex from his secretary I'd get back at him by becoming the President myself. She's also kinda prune faced. She looks like she's sucking on something sour everytime I see her.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Gas Prices

So who else out there thinks that raising the price of gas everyday is criminal. i certainly do. How do they expect people to continue living a normal life. I'm glad that my family car is a 4cylinder but, my mom got into an accident and had to rent a car with a v8. Now we practically live at the pump.