Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When The Man Comes Around

Hey to like the two people who read this. I know I haven't updated this thing in like forever but I'm back baby....with a vengeance (not really). I've been really busy with school, work, and other thing. However, you guys can definately expect to see some new stuff up here because I've been having some pretty crazy thoughts and realizations and I'd love to share them with you guys. I still don't know why I'm writing this like there is more than one person that actually reads this. I think my sister is basically the only person that does. Anyway, back to the point. Well actually I just made my point. I'm watching NCIS right now,so I think I might write something about it just to get warmed up.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

First Black President

So I know that I'm like two and a half weeks late with this but, wow, a black president of the United States. I have a strange feeling that the next few years are going to get quite interesting. You think that when Bush messed up, they criticized him, wait till one thing happens. and it's probably going to be something out of his control too. I kind of feel bad for him because he has more responsibility than other people. On one side he has a pretty large group of people who unofficially but subconsciously want him to fail. Then on the other side he has an even larger group of people who I'm almost sure he is afraid of letting down. Not just black Americans, but people all over the world. On inauguration day it was said that there were hildren in Indonesia who were watching because they believed that he wouldn't just make a change in America, but a change worldwide. I guess you could compare it to when Nelson Mandela came into office in 1994 for the Presidency of South Africa. If you don't know why that is so significant and think "hey it's Africa, everyone is black", here's why. South Africa was once separated by asometing called Apartheid. Apartheid was basically the slavery of black Africans by the white Africans. They were told wwhere to work and live and treated horribly. They were harrassed and beaten and many of them starved. There was basically no hope for them whatsoever. After a long political battle it was ended and the main activist for thsi fight was released from jail. He ran for president and won. So that's why that story is so similar to the Obama story. Except Obama never went to jail for advocating freedom for blacks. But the was slavery in the US and then after that was oppression in the form of segregation. I guess you could also compare segregationg t Apartheid, but they're not quite the same.

So anyway back to the real subject at hand. Barack Obama has a lot to do and I bet he's feeling the pressure right now. What really doesn't help either is all the blacks that act so stupid on the eve of his career. The Obama hope image isn't the only doctored image out there. Thhey have so many other pictures that depict him as some sort of superhero. Doesn't anyone know that he is just a regular human being. I get little annoyed when I try to have a conversation about the economy and all the person can do is talk about what Obama is going to do and how it will all stop, this especially happens with black americans. I hope you all know that he's not God. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying he's not capable of anything, in fact he could probably do a lot but I believe it's really up to God. He is just a human. For example, I was corresponding with a friend via the internet and we got into a conversatgion about the economy and I must have typed like two paragraphs and all he could write back was, "Barack gon make all that better for everybody, there's gonna be change". throughout the entire campaign and right up to inauguration day even to today if you ask a Black person why they voted for Obama they'll just tell you that they want change. So if you do get in that situation, ask them what exactly it is that they want him to change. they'll probably tell you something about jobs and the economy, but I bet they can't explain what it is exactly that needs to be changed for the economy to turn around. My opinion is that one thing led to another and another until we reached the point that we are at now. So these are my thoughts on Barack Obama becoming president.
